Since its start in 1996-97, Metropolis St. Louis has garnered much attention locally and nationally for its reputation as a group of young creatives devoted to revitalizing the urban core of St. Louis. Since then, similar groups have emerged in other mid-sized U.S. cities, many of which face challenges similar to St. Louis'. It is now time to convene these groups to discuss these issues, learn from each other, and share strengths. It is now time for The Urban Convergence 2003.
The mission of UC2003 is to establish a national alliance of creative future leaders who propagate Metropolis-like ideas to other mid-sized cities. UC2003 will focus on building the structure and leadership of young urban groups, and provide a forum to share stories about what makes great cities work. Young civic groups from more than a dozen U.S. cities will be invited, and many local organizations will be asked to play important roles in UC2003.
Featured workshop presenter and keynote speaker will be Joel Kotkin, senior fellow at the Davenport Institute for Public Policy at Pepperdine University and author of several publications on urban revitalization, including "Can the Cities Be Saved?" and "The New Geography." The conference will also include social events and opportunities to experience the city of St. Louis. In addition, future policy makers from Atlanta, Baton Rouge, Birmingham, Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Kansas City, Newark (NJ), York (PA), St. Louis and other U.S. cities will showcase examples of urban life at its best across the U.S.
Urban Convergence 2003 will take place from Friday, October 3, through Sunday, October 5, at the Sheraton City Center Hotel and Suites and on location throughout the city. Conference registration, including meals, is $99; visit to register and for more information.
Melanie Adams and Bill Carson are the co-chairs of Urban Convergence 2003.